

Fewer First-Time Boat Buyers Through End of 2017?

November 2, 2017

A recent survey indicated that first-time boat buyers are lacking this year despite an overall uptick in...

Boat Safety Checks and the ABYC

October 26, 2017

Marine industry insights indicated that boat dealers that are dedicated to safety and customer satisfaction have more...

Lightning & Boating: A Lethal Combination

October 19, 2017

As a skilled agent, you know that your clients around the world experience all types of weather...

Making a Case for Search Engines: Why the Boating Industry Should Utilize Them

October 12, 2017

Search engine rankings are imperative for various reasons, including increased traffic and notoriety. The digital age all...

Industry Professionals at IBEX Discuss Impacts of Irma

September 25, 2017

The significant damages left by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have sparked a special session by the 27th...

Preparing for Hurricane Irma: Securing Boats

September 13, 2017

With the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and the looming threat of Hurricane Irma, boat owners nationwide are...

Ship Repairer Liability: Material Storage

September 7, 2017

Environmental Liabilities of Ship Repairs > Storing Chemicals In this series of posts, we explored the many...

Ship Repair Liability: Painting & Antifouling Best Practices

August 17, 2017

Environmental Liabilities of Ship Repairs > Paint Pollution In this series of posts, we’ve covered some of...

Ship Repairer Liability: Engine Repair Pollution

August 10, 2017

Environmental Liabilities of Ship Repairs > Engine Pollutants In our last post, we covered some of the...

Ship Repairers and Environmental Liabilities

August 3, 2017

Ship builders and repairers are no strangers to toxic chemicals and practices that pollute the environment. While...

Dangerous Boating: Avoiding Propeller Strikes

July 31, 2017

Boating Dangers > Propeller Injuries In this series of posts, we have covered the three most common...

Dangerous Boating Conditions: Carbon Monoxide

July 24, 2017

Boating Dangers > Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In our last two posts, we covered some common dangerous boating...